• New Read

    Contentment over Happiness

    “Peace is the result of retraining your mind to process life as it is rather than as it should be.” Wayne dyer On New Year’s Eve, I found myself obsessing over old tradition—the one where we open our list from…

  • New Read

    Detox dairy!

    Late last year, I began to feel unrest in my spirit. I tried to discern what it was, and why I was feeling that way. Amidst my joy and low moments, I would hear clearly in my spirit to “let…

  • New Read

    Christmas~In retrospect!  

    Hello beautiful people, It’s that time of the year again when a lot of homes are filled with celebration; families come together and share in the warmth of this fine season-Christmas. Although not everyone feels the need to celebrate because…

  • New Read

    Resolve, Unfreeze the fear!

    An old important, yet exciting new year’s tradition I adapted over the years was re-opening a list of goals/aspirations I had written down at the beginning of the previous year. It was a form of self-evaluation and also a time…